Do you catch yourself logging onto Facebook when you’re supposed to be working online, or refreshing the Twitter feed in your smartphone every 5 minutes?

Perhaps you even feel unsettled when you can’t get online to update your status? Don’t be alarmed at your insufficient self-control!
A recently available study by the University of Chicago suggests these social networking forms are harder to resist than alcohol and cigarettes.

In line with the team leader of the research, Wilhelm Hoffman, one of many reasons people can provide into the need to constantly check and update their social media is that there surely is no obvious or immediate downside to it – aside from being fully a huge drain on the user’s time.

There are a lot of studies into the rise of Social Media Addiction Habits And Self Esteem issues related to people, not just youth spending countless hours on their smartphones


Contact Brad Lonergan (Financial Planner) for more information about how to deal with the Financial aspect of Time Management and Social Media Addiction for Newcastle residents.
Call 0423 621 120 or email